Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Eliana!

Tonight we celebrated Eliana's 4th birthday at Hee Haw Farms.  It was so fun watching Eliana and her cousins play at the farm.  I think the favorite ride of the night was the giant white slide.  We all took several rides on the slide.

We had fun running around the corn maze.  It was fun watching the kids lead the way.  Eliana found a great heart shaped rock while in the maze.  Here she is holding it up with her cousin Jadia.

They also had a petting zoo with several farm animals.  Eliana loved feeding all the animals.

Another fun area for the kids was the sandbox full of corn.  They took turns covering each other.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Family Night!

For family night, we decided to go play a round of miniature golf.  This is one of Eliana's favorites.  I had a great time watching her hit the ball along then get impatient and pick it up to move it right next to the hole.  It was also fun watching Adam give golf lessons to a 3 year old.


On our way home:

Dad:  Was that fun?  Did you enjoy golfing for family night?

Ellie:  Yeah...it was so much fun but you know what wasn't fun...when my ball got lost in the water.

The best part of family night....donuts!  

Monday, May 23, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

What is wrong with this picture?  Yes, at first glance my refrigerator looks fine.  Then keep in mind that I have a 3 year old.  At this point, I am sure you are wondering where all Ellie's art projects are?  Since magnets don't stick to the front of my refrigerator.  Below is where they get displayed.  Yup, that is the back of my front door.  She loves sticking things on the door with tape.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Day At The Zoo

We were excited when Adam's brother called and asked if a bunch of us wanted to get together and go to the zoo.  We all packed up and headed out.  Eliana had so much fun playing with her cousins and seeing all the animals.  The highlight for the kids was by far the new dinosaur exhibits they are featuring throughout the zoo.  

Eliana enjoying the view from up top

All the kids checking out the animals

One of the dinosaur exhibits sprayed water.  The kids loved it!  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adoption Pass Along Cards

My amazing sister-in-law Marlee designed these pass a long cards for us.  She is really talented.  We picked them up from the printers today.  We are so happy with the way they turned out.  Thank you Marlee!  Please help us spread the word that we would like to grow our family through adoption.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Snow Day At The End Of April???

For the last few weeks, Eliana has been asking when it will snow again so she could go out and make snow angels.  We have been telling her that winter was over and she would have to wait until next year.  This morning she got her wish...snow!!!  We made snow angels and a small snowman before the snow melted.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Clean Teeth!

Today our family had cleanings and check ups at the dentist.  I was completely amazed at how well Eliana did.  She sat in the chair like a big girl and let them take a full set of x-rays and clean and check her teeth.  She watched as mom and dad got their teeth done then she wanted a turn too. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Adoption Application - Final Approval!!!

We are happy to announce that today our adoption application was finalized!  We would love it if you would help us spread the word.  Please let family and friends know we are looking to add to our family.

Our profile is now active on the adoption agency's website.  Check it out!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Our New Little Niece

Adam's brother and his wife had their new baby yesterday.  They named her Adriana Jocelyn.  She was 7lbs 6oz.  She is just adorable.  Eliana loves babies and had a fun time holding her.

"Babies and kitties are sooo cute." -Eliana-

Eliana was blown away when Adriana opened her eyes and peeked out at her.