Monday, May 23, 2011

What's Wrong With This Picture?

What is wrong with this picture?  Yes, at first glance my refrigerator looks fine.  Then keep in mind that I have a 3 year old.  At this point, I am sure you are wondering where all Ellie's art projects are?  Since magnets don't stick to the front of my refrigerator.  Below is where they get displayed.  Yup, that is the back of my front door.  She loves sticking things on the door with tape.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Day At The Zoo

We were excited when Adam's brother called and asked if a bunch of us wanted to get together and go to the zoo.  We all packed up and headed out.  Eliana had so much fun playing with her cousins and seeing all the animals.  The highlight for the kids was by far the new dinosaur exhibits they are featuring throughout the zoo.  

Eliana enjoying the view from up top

All the kids checking out the animals

One of the dinosaur exhibits sprayed water.  The kids loved it!  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Adoption Pass Along Cards

My amazing sister-in-law Marlee designed these pass a long cards for us.  She is really talented.  We picked them up from the printers today.  We are so happy with the way they turned out.  Thank you Marlee!  Please help us spread the word that we would like to grow our family through adoption.